Swimming Clinics

Swimming Clinic

EventHorizon coaches have over 10,000 hours of on deck master swim coaching, small group swim training and one-on-one swimming instruction experience.


Dates: TBD

Price: TBD

Location: TBD

Accomodations: TBD



Whether you’re a developing swimmer, open water swimmer or master swimmer our philosophy is that swimming faster takes a patient, disciplined and consistent “swimming with a purpose” framework.  We believe swimmers reap fitness benefits by becoming proficient in the 4 competitive strokes and ultimately we recommend progressing toward becoming Master swimmers.


EventHorizon coaches have over 10,000 hours of on deck master swim coaching, small group swim training and one-on-one swimming instruction experience. We don’t lure swimmers to clinics with promises of silver bullet fixes and instant speed with casual advice and drills that are readily available online. While drills are an important component, our experience demonstrates the pathway to substantial development in speed and technique is much more complex.


During our clinics EventHorizon coaches employ technology to analyze and improve swimmer technique and performance by drawing upon the science of fluid dynamics. We utilize video swim stoke analysis software with high definition 30 frames per second smooth stabilized 1080p submersable cameras. With cloud technology we employ immediate cloud uploads that allow coaches and swimmers to have real-time feedback and unique persective on weakness, necessary corrections and analyze the swimmer’s marginal contributions to performance.



We employ a part lecture, part swim drill, and part workout approach.

One of the most common questions we’re asked is “how come my swim times don’t improve?” Some swimmers express frustration with hitting performance plateaus. EventHorizon swim coaching clinics are structured as deep dive multi-hour sessions focused on helping swimmers get to the bottom of these questions and laying the pathway to their goals.

We spend the majority of the time in the water, equipping the swimmer with tools and information to swim with a purpose so the swimmer can employ a self-efficacy approach to substantial swimming improvement.

Every swimmer leaves the clinic with video swim stroke analysis, a flash drive of workouts, an interactive spreadsheet dashboard for field tests and an eBooks. Swimmers leave understanding where they’re currently going wrong and what they need to do to fix it over forthcoming training cycles. If you employ our strategy over time, you can drop your Base by double digit seconds over 6-8 weeks.


  • On pool deck group and individualized instruction from EH certified coaches.
  • Swim stroke biomechanics lecture based deep dive, reviewing the common faults to avoid and question & answer session.
  • Video swim stroke analysis stroke from above and submerged angles with anotations, and coach feedback delivered directly to your inbox.
  • Swimmers learn how to derive their “Base” pace through field tests, then learn how to use that information for workouts and goal pace targeting.
  • Swimmers will learn how to employ a structured high performance and effective workout, and learn how to swim on intervals for maximum impact.
  • Learn how to carry and impactful wetbag and learn what swimming equipment and aids are MOST helpful, and how and when to use them.
  • Workouts designed by EH coaches for high performance swimming on your personal flash drive.
  • An interactive dashboard developed by EH coaches for field tests on your personal flash drive.
  • A comprehensive swimming eBook developed by EH coaches summarizing all of the clinic outcomes on your personal flash drive.
  • Depending on the clinic focus, swimmers will learn appropriate starts, turns and finishes for the pool and/or open water events.
  • Overall, swimmers learn how to swim with a purpose to achieve their swim goals over time.
  • Xterra wetbag and EventHorizon swim cap.